Student Clinics

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The network of clinics at NCU

Our University is a member of the Young Universities for the Future of Europe consortium, which implements the project aimed to create and test the model of European University – open, non-elitist, and inclusive.  One of most important objectives of the programme is to strengthen relations between academic communities and communities of the cities and regions in which the universities operate.

The student clinic network of NCU was established exactly for strengthening bonds between the University and social environment. Through this platform, students – supervised by researchers and teachers – share their knowledge and experience gained at the University. As a result, they answer questions and offer their advice and substantive support. Our objective is to not only be closer to residents and their affairs but also promote specialized and up-to-date knowledge of the world.

Online clinic is the place where residents may receive free of charge answers to probing questions. In order to use our services, you just have to find the field which is interesting for you and complete the application form. We encourage you to read detailed information about the clinic scope of activity, its operating mode, and rules of providing advice available on the individual subpages.

Clinics are just a part of the activities addressed to the local community. Do you want to know more about YUFE and the offer for residents? See here.

Student Clinics